Friday, May 22, 2020
The Interpretation Of The South On Alternate Voices, And...
Franklin opened the interpretation of the South to alternate voices, and gave a firm framework on establishing the different perspectives relevant for Woodward’s experiential â€Å"not one South†thesis. The points of contention between their interpretations are telling about Southern histories, and their reputations evidenced the lingering effects of institutionalized racism, as Woodward often gets credit for opening Southern history to African American narratives. However, it was Franklin that did it first and allowed for agency, while Woodward’s narratives most featured black victimization/victimhood. Despite some differences in interpretation, Franklin and Woodward would become two of the most influential historians of the twentieth century. Only recently does it seems more women, more minorities, more identities are writing southern history from their unique viewpoints and interpretations. All of them aided by the path laid by Franklin. His influence is clea r in the works of Tera Hunter, Mary Hoffschwelle, Karen Cox, Pippa Holloway, and all of the most recent histories of the South.Franklin’s essays mirrored role of African American in Southern historiography. Starting out, African Americans were given little or no attention at all, then came outright racist histories, then blacks as subjects of white actions/ideologies, and finally, blacks as full historical actors, controlling their own lives, demonstrating their own agency, controlling their own narratives. C. VannShow MoreRelatedStrategy Safari by Mintzberg71628 Words  | 287 PagesGentlemen, You Have Yet to Meet the Whole Beast References 375 Index 397 349 EMBARKATION T his trip began with a paper by Henry called Strategy Formation: Schools of Thought, published by Jim Fredrickson in a collection entitled Perspectives on Strategic Management (HarperCollins, 1990). Bruce used the paper in a course at Trent University and found that it worked well. 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