Friday, May 22, 2020
The Interpretation Of The South On Alternate Voices, And...
Franklin opened the interpretation of the South to alternate voices, and gave a firm framework on establishing the different perspectives relevant for Woodward’s experiential â€Å"not one South†thesis. The points of contention between their interpretations are telling about Southern histories, and their reputations evidenced the lingering effects of institutionalized racism, as Woodward often gets credit for opening Southern history to African American narratives. However, it was Franklin that did it first and allowed for agency, while Woodward’s narratives most featured black victimization/victimhood. Despite some differences in interpretation, Franklin and Woodward would become two of the most influential historians of the twentieth century. Only recently does it seems more women, more minorities, more identities are writing southern history from their unique viewpoints and interpretations. All of them aided by the path laid by Franklin. His influence is clea r in the works of Tera Hunter, Mary Hoffschwelle, Karen Cox, Pippa Holloway, and all of the most recent histories of the South.Franklin’s essays mirrored role of African American in Southern historiography. Starting out, African Americans were given little or no attention at all, then came outright racist histories, then blacks as subjects of white actions/ideologies, and finally, blacks as full historical actors, controlling their own lives, demonstrating their own agency, controlling their own narratives. C. VannShow MoreRelatedStrategy Safari by Mintzberg71628 Words  | 287 PagesGentlemen, You Have Yet to Meet the Whole Beast References 375 Index 397 349 EMBARKATION T his trip began with a paper by Henry called Strategy Formation: Schools of Thought, published by Jim Fredrickson in a collection entitled Perspectives on Strategic Management (HarperCollins, 1990). Bruce used the paper in a course at Trent University and found that it worked well. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020
Depression Causes or Effects Essay - 1068 Words
Depression: Causes or Effects? Depression supplies a distinct depiction of the brain equals behavior theory. The physiological characteristics that taint the diseased brain directly impact the thoughts and behaviors of the millions of sufferers. The genesis of this dehabilitating problem is both mysterious and complicated and I am not offering any sort of revelation in stating that it is a multi-factorial manifestation involving both biological and environmental components. The end product of these variable factors do, however, provide some common biochemical alterations in the brain that lend insight into understanding the reality and possible treatment of the disease. So, in the spirit of working backwards, I will explore†¦show more content†¦Hormonal abnormalities may also characterize the depressed brain. The most pervasive irregularity lies in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, the system that manages the bodys response to stress. When a threat to physical or psychological well-being is detected, the hypothalamus increases production of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), which, in turn, induces the pituitary to secrete adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). ACTH then instructs the adrenal glands to release cortisol. Chronic activation of the HPA axis may result in illness and depression. In fact, hyperactivity in the HPA axis is the most replicated finding in all of biological psychiatry (1). I have been referring to these conditions as end-products but they could, just as easily, be viewed as causes and not consequences of depression. Perhaps I have not been working backwards at all but have instead been addressing the origins of this disease. It all depends on why people get depressed in the first place. Seeing as how preventative medicine is almost always the best medicine, the why of this issue becomes quite critical. Unfortunately, the why of depression seems to be even more elusive than the how. There is, of course, the stress dimension, which was made very relevant by the HPA axis discovery. But what about individuals who encounter depressive episodes with no history of stress or trauma? And whyShow MoreRelatedDepression : Cause, Causes And Effects Of Depression1116 Words  | 5 Pagessweating and dizziness. Anxiety may cause physical exhaustion and general ill health. Effects of depression When someone is found in such a condition the primary effects observed are the various signs and symptoms caused by a particular situation, thought, physical state, emotions or actions which brought about the depression. The effects of depression are mostly observed in the physical state as the symptoms portrays on the person who is in a depressed state. Depression can result into condition whichRead MoreDepression : The Cause, Causes And Effects Of Depression1142 Words  | 5 Pagessnickered at him from afar. Then to tie it all together, he tripped in a puddle of muddy water on the way home from school. Life was making him be depressed. The definition of depression, from Google, is â€Å"feelings of severe despondency and dejection.†This basically this means that you feel down when you are depressed. Depression is a mental disorder that affects your mood. This mental disorder is very common, more than 3 million cases of it are in the U.S. per year. It is big in teenagers and youngRead MoreCauses And Effects Of Depression874 Words  | 4 PagesCauses of Depression As we perceived today, many of American citizens are suffering from depression where they suffer from mental stresses. According to Bill Hendrick, a reporter at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, about nine percent of American citizens are suffering from a depression. Depression is when a person is not in his or her minds. They may feel down downcasted and traumatized. Depression can be caused by different factors. Things such as abuses, bullying, death, genetics or a lossRead MoreDepression : Causes And Effects1098 Words  | 5 PagesThe definition of depression is â€Å"a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest†(Mayo Clinic Staff 1). People who have not had much experience with depression agree with this definition, and believe those people who struggle with depression should just cheer up. Both statements are symptoms of depression, but depression is much more than just feeling upset and disinterested. Other symptoms include sleep disturbances, trouble concentrating, aching, appetite lossRead MoreDepression : Cause And Effect1629 Words  | 7 Pageslead to depression. According to the National Conference on Mental Health, depression is the cause of over two-thirds of the 30,000 reported suicides in the United States each year. Suicide caused by depression is even the tenth leading cause of death in the U.S. and the number of people who are becoming depressed is rising. Even though it is the tenth leading cause of death, over all in the U.S., it is the third-leading cause of death in young people ages 15-24. Not only is depression a cause of deathRead MoreCause And Effect Of Depression1695 Words  | 7 Pagesanother. It is used carelessly as a verb used when one is fed up. Depression is a lot like that. It is an endless loop of discouragement and annoyance with life. It’s a seemingly endless fall to rock bottom, an infinite and ever increasing low that one wasn’t aware existed. It is a bat tle but not an insurmountable one. There are plenty of reasons to stay alive, yet the main one is the possibility of a missed opportunity. Depression causes the loss of visualizing these opportunities. They seem hazy, possiblyRead MoreDepression : Causes And Effects1050 Words  | 5 PagesDepression is â€Å"a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest†(Mayo Clinic Staff 1). People believe that depression is just feeling upset and disinterested in everyday activities, and those people who struggle with depression should just cheer up. Both statements are symptoms of depression, but depression is much more than just feeling upset and disinterested. Other symptoms include sleep disturbances, trouble concentrating, aching, appetite loss, memory difficultiesRead MoreThe Causes and Effects of Depression Essay709 Words  | 3 PagesThe Causes and Effects of Depression Depression has numerous causes and effects which affect not only the person but the people around them. Depression doesn’t have a specific cause; in most cases it’s different for everyone. It is a common, treatable mental illness that can be experienced at any time in life. It is often described with feeling sad, unhappy, miserable, or â€Å"down in the dumps†. Most people have these feelings on occasion. There are several types of depression. TheseRead MorePostpartum Depression : Causes And Effects1450 Words  | 6 Pages Postpartum Depression in Rural U.S Communities Amanda L. Ruiz Widener University Overview The overview of this article is postpartum depression in rural Unites States communities. Researchers search to find the causes and effects of postpartum depression in rural US communitiesRead MoreCause And Effect Of My Depression1337 Words  | 6 Pagesdates were near, and my stress levels were out the roof. The cause that led to my downfall in college was none other than depression. My depression has affected my academic life by causing me to procrastinate, which led to my lack of motivation, resulting in my poor performance in college. This Depression is hindering my daily routine, both at home and in school. It is an emotional illness, which occurs internally, but it can also effect a person’s physical activity. For instance, I am no longer energetic
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Bill for the Minorities Free Essays
Racial discrimination had been the subject of debate in the congress for a long time. Often times, members of the congress question the extent of efficiency of execution of the law regarding racial discrimination among the citizens of the United States. The minorities (specifically the blacks) were more likely to be isolated from the native whites. We will write a custom essay sample on A Bill for the Minorities or any similar topic only for you Order Now The minorities had been somewhat deprived of certain rights which the whites chiefly enjoy. However, this discrimination set between the minorities and the whites had been resolved through the Civil Rights Act of 1964 originally proposed by the late President John F. Kennedy. The bill was not officially pursued by the mentioned President because of his assassination. His Vice President, Lyndon Johnson who took his place as president, then signed the law (Civil Rights Act of 1964) on July 2, 1964. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 favored most minorities thus giving them equal opportunity in terms of job, education and other services as that of the whites. As stated in the opening paragraph of the bill, it is an Act: â€Å"To enforce the constitutional right to vote, to confer jurisdiction upon the district courts of the United States to provide injunctive relief against discrimination in public accommodations, to authorize the attorney General to institute suits to protect constitutional rights in public facilities and public education, to extend the Commission on Civil Rights, to prevent discrimination in federally assisted programs, to establish a Commission on Equal Employment Opportunity, and for other purposes (Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 1997). †The law ‘protects individuals against employment discrimination on the basis of race and color as well as national origin, sex, or religion’ (Facts about Race/Color Discrimination, 2002). Rise of the Minorities Equal imposition of rights on employment, education, voting, and other services provided by the State brought the minorities to a rise. The provision of the 1964 Act brings forth the protection of several classes including ‘race, color, sex, creed, and age’ (The National Archives, archives. gov). President Kennedy’s aim to end discrimination among the people living in the state causes a reverse condition. In order to go behind with the rules set by the law, some institutions are making policies which are basically incline to favor minorities more than the white Americans. This scenario can be reflected in campus premises. Granting of scholarships to students on the basis of financial needs encouraged the diversity of minorities in the school premises to increase (Education, 1990). In addition, since most families belonging to the minority groups received minimal amount of income, the scholarships provided will be in no doubt be granted to their children. Title IV of the 1964 Civil Rights Act deals about the desegration of public education which states that survey concerning the lack of availability of â€Å"equal educational opportunities for individuals by reason of race, color, religion, or national origin in public educational institutions at all levels in the United States must be thoroughly conducted and reported (Civil rights Act 1964). †Institutions granting scholarships seem to misapprehend the statement mentioned above. ‘Equal educational opportunities’ should be granted fairly to all individuals not only to few numbers of people thus having this basis is considered as illegal and clearly violates the law. Furthermore, it can be clearly reflected that minorities were the most favored in this scenario. The scenario in the learning place proves that the civil rights act of 1964 was indeed the most far-reaching and effective piece of legislation regarding minorities in American history. In an article cited in ‘the 1964 Civil Rights Act to the Present,’ it is said that ‘integration of southern districts was progressing, black college students were enrolling in previously white colleges are at a greater rate. ’ Thus, such integration provided both the minorities and the whites to have equal access to sophisticated facilities and obtain same degree of education. Minorities also benefited in terms of employment upon the approval of the bill. Discrimination in hiring personnel for a job was completely eliminated. The law addresses employers to set aside factors including race, gender, sex, etc in hiring, promotion as well as termination of individuals in the job. Even in the political arena, the minorities had gained their right to be elected. Some of the African Americans who were elected as public officers were Edward Brooke, Carl Stokes, Douglas Wilder and Gen. Colin Powell (The 1964 Civil Rights Act to the Present). Conclusion Truly, the Civil Rights Act pioneered by the late President John F. Kennedy marks a change in the American society. Most of the minorities at present times are enjoying privileges which they were deprived before. The integration between the whites and the minorities resulted in the success of a number of blacks in the facets of business, education, government and other fields. The affirmative action taken into account by policy makers put an end on the severe discrimination experienced by the minorities. However, this change in the American society also opens the idea of reverse discrimination between the whites and the non-whites. The imposition of the equal rights between the two classes had advance the liberty of the minorities but in contrary infringe the liberty of the whites. Racial discrimination must be looked at in both ways. It is unjust to only consider the minorities as the victims of discrimination and is being deprive of certain rights. As for what is happening at present times, it can be reflected that the aim of the proponents of the bill to end discrimination was somehow ineffective. The law seems to focus its eyes to the protection of the minorities while concerns regarding the whites had been somewhat taken for granted thus, equality between the two classes should be fairly treated and address in the congress. Work Cited EEOC, US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (1997, January 15). Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Retrieved May 26, 2008, from http://www. eeoc. gov/policy/vii. html. The National Archives, archives. gov. Teaching with Documents: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Retrieved May 26, 2008, from http://www. archives. gov/education/lessons/civil-rights-act/. Historical documents. com. Civil Rights Act (1964). Retrieved May 26, 2008, from http://www. historicaldocuments. com/CivilRightsAct1964. htm. The 1964 Civil Rights Act to the Present. Retrieved May 26, 2008, from http://www. infoplease. com/ce6/history/A0858852. html. The New York Times. (2008, May 25) Education. Retrieved May 26, 2008, from http://query. nytimes. com/gst/fullpage. html? res=9C0CE7D8133FF930A25751C1A966958260sec=spon=pagewanted=all. . How to cite A Bill for the Minorities, Papers
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