Monday, August 24, 2020
Thinkpiece Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Thinkpiece - Essay Example It doesn't make a difference who precisely who might design the PR for whatever length of time that the individual who will do the PR plan realizes that the person is doing and that it is receptive to the customer’s needs. The individual who could design the PR plan could be the PR administrator or promoting supervisor. The individual presumably has the most ideally equipped capability for the activity since PR after everything is either a component of showcasing or corporate correspondence. Or then again, if such division doesn't exist (PR office), the organization can select somebody who will do work. It is essential to take note of that on the grounds that a PR office doesn't exist, a PR individual that will address the client will likewise be disregarded. It is essential to react and address customer’s concern once they argue. It is significant on the grounds that clients are the soul of the organization, without them, the organization will likewise not exist. Obviously one would get inquisitive to get some information about the individual who might be delegated if a PR office doesn't exist. It is critical to underscore here that clients can talk and when they argue, it implies they have something imperative to state. The PR work isn't simply to convey, yet additionally as a client work. It comes to us then that the individual who might be named to design PR when clients can argue ought to have a client assistance foundation notwithstanding being an extraordinary communicator both in composed and oral language. In the event that conceivable, the individual ought to be a client assistance chief or boss who has long stretches of understanding with the goal that the designated individual has both the preparation and experience to satisfactorily design the PR plan for the client. We need to refer to alert here that if an inadequate and undeveloped individual will be designated to design the PR plan when clients argue only for having a PR indiv idual, it would get deplorable to the organization. It is heartbreaking to the organization on the grounds that as opposed to reacting satisfactorily to the client that they will be fulfilled,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Is recruiting efforts, promotions, prejudice, and retention of Research Paper
Is enrolling endeavors, advancements, preference, and maintenance of minority officials a wellspring of worry inside a law implementation organization - Research Paper Example In this manner, the capability and experience of such people take the middle phase of contemplations. Be that as it may, the enrollment, advancement and maintenance of the minority bunches calls for additional contemplations, other than their appropriateness; as far as capabilities and experience. For this situation, the vulnerabilities of the competitor, which makes them to be in a small situation than the rest, who have capabilities and encounters are thought of, with the point of giving such applicants the chance, since they can't rival the rest successfully, attributable to their vulnerabilities (Shusta, Levine, Wong, and Harris, 2005). This causes pressure on the grounds that; there are chances that such up-and-comers may neglect to perform well in the activity, in spite of having been preferred over the others. On the occasion that such competitors neglect to convey true to form, yet they were supported based on their race, sexual orientation or starting point, it will make pressure different accomplices at work, since they could feel that the best qualified up-and-comers would have been enrolled, advanced or held (Wirth, 2001). More than to the business who may feel that they didn't get the best qualified possibility for the activity, the certified competitors who lost the employment to the minority up-and-comer feel progressively worried. Law implementation offices are touchy and especially inclined to incredible threats, on the occasion that they are not run by qualified and the most appropriate competitors (Arnesen, 2007). Along these lines, the use of governmental policy regarding minorities in society, necessitating that the minority bunches are supported during enlistment, advancement or maintenance serves to put such offices in danger of having people, who may not be as qualified and experienced with the work, as different up-and-comers who were excluded to clear route for the minority. The pressure will be borne by both the law requirement organization and the minority applicant; since the competitors will consistently feel that they are in the activity
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Paternity Leave Why We Need it and How to Do it Right
Paternity Leave Why We Need it â€" and How to Do it Right We need paternity leave. And we need more of it.Men, women and children benefit from it. At the same time the societal meaning of paternity leave is very much undermined by governments, employers, and even fathers and mothers around the globe.While the world largely agrees about the advantages of having maternity leave and the principle is applied in law and business, men struggle to find the same recognition for their need to be full time fathers in the first days of welcoming a new child in the family.Paternity leave is usually a lot shorter, and worse paid than maternity leave.What is more, men who take full advantage of their paternity leave often feel more prosecuted, judged and pressured afterwards to go back to the workforce and even compensate for the time they were missing.DO WE NEED PATERNITY LEAVE?The norm of paternity leave could be applied on a national level by the government or on a corporate level by the company.But let us strip for a second that term from all ties to laws and regulations. Let us forget international comparisons and statistics and just ask:Is it beneficial to society?According to one study from 2011, paid parental leave decreases the chance of neonatal and infant mortality rate by 10%, and is associated with a 9% lower rate of mortality in children under 5 years old.The help of the father in the early stages of motherhood provides for the early return of the mother to the workforce and is associated with increased rates of breastfeeding.Taking a break from work in any form is of course beneficial to a man’s overall health. One examination of the Swedish Multigenerational Register even indicated fathers, who did take their paternity leave in Sweden in late 20th century, showed significantly lower risk of early mortality.Learn more about the benefits of paternity leave by watching this video: Young fathers suffer from gender inequalityThe imbalance between maternity and paternity leave is a leftover from another era.Women’s a bility to bear children, as the greatest difference between genders, has always been at the center of all arguments for inequality.Historically, it does make sense that for the larger part of society’s development women were taking care of the family and the home, while men provided.After a large majority of women entered the workforce mainly as one of the consequences to the World War II, a huge feminist movement has been activated to fight discrimination. Women had to be able to work, without being the victims of ill-natured expectations and false-moral preachings.And while it is widely recognized that women have a new role in society, the new, complementing role of men, is not as popular, protected or regulated â€" for example, women are still favored in child custody court battles.And another example, statistics show, is that in most of western countries women are still able to take substantially longer child-related leave than men.Sweden was the first country to regulate paid paternity leave, and that happened as late as 1974. Thirty-nine other countries followed with introducing similar measures in the next 20 years. And about 80 more countries, in the 20 years to follow.And still, leave for men is shorter, worse regulated and worse paid than leave for women.Men want to leave but can’t afford itA Research in Great Britain has interesting outcomes. It discovered that the more disadvantaged the background of the father is, the less likely they are to take paternity leave.The likeliness of a man to take leave did not vary significantly by age, although it did raise slightly for the group aged between 30 and 34Only 67% of men with low education could afford to leave, in contrast with 86% of men with high educationAs high as 82% of white men enjoyed their time with their family, while other ethnicities showed an average as low as 68%63% of men with household income below ten thousand pounds took advantage of paternity leave, while for households with inco me above thirty-one thousand pounds that percentage went as high as 86%.DO WE GET PATERNITY LEAVE?Dads, consciously or unconsciously recognize the need of the family to be there. Researchers found out that fathers WILL take their time off work when children are born, REGARDLESS of whether it is provided by law or not.Still, most governments and businesses only provide short, inadequately paid leave for men.The United States of AmericaThe FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act) provides 12 weeks of unpaid paternity leave.However, the Act has severe restrictions that leave about half of American workers out of its coverage.To qualify, a father has to have worked at least for a year for the government or a private business that has more than 50 employees.Parts of the USA have more generous provisions for dads on the state level. California was the first state to regulate paid paternity leave for all workers â€" at a minimum of 55% and up to 100%. States such as Rhode Island, Jersey and DC have followed with their own regulation.It is largely dependent on businesses to protect fathers and offer them to benefit from the company’s support after a child birth or adoption. Luckily, there are companies that do it right:Johnson Johnson offer 8 weeks of paid leave following childbirth or adoption, and an optional 9th week for personal needs.Facebook offers up to 4 months of paid leave, which can be distributed according to need, throughout the course of a year.Netflix allows employees to do with video streaming to take advantage of up to a year of paid leave.The European UnionSocial policy is normally a field where the European Union leaves decisions to the member states.As far as maternity leave is concerned, there is a common regulation the 1992 Pregnant Workers Directive stipulates for 14 weeks of maternity leave, where 6 weeks are mandatory before and/or after birth.The allowance during that period was to be decided by the member states. There was a push in 2010 to e xtend the mandatory maternity leave to 18 weeks, and to introduce paternity leave of at least 2 weeks throughout the Union, however, it was never excepted by the Council and was withdrawn back in 2015.Still, member states have their own regulation when it comes to that topic. A comparison from late 2016 shows a great overview of the contrast between paternity and maternity leave.Maternity leave:Most countries do have mandatory maternity leave regulations with 60% of member states with obligatory prenatal maternity leave and 78% with obligatory postnatal leave for women.On top of the obligatory leave, an amount of weeks is allocated as optional and left to the mother to choose.The average total prenatal leave is 6,5 weeks, whereas the average postnatal is more than double, at 15 weeks.The compensation to the mother during her maternity leave varies, but is most often between 80% and 100% of her salary.The shortest total maternity leave is offered to mothers in Portugal with 10 weeks. The largest maternity leave is offered in Bulgaria, with a total of 58 weeks, at a 90% pay of the mother’s salary.In contrast to those generous numbers, paternity leave is quite stingy.Paternity leave:Provisions for prenatal leave for men are scarce.Germany, Luxembourg, Austria, Cyprus, The Czech Republic, Croatia and Slovakia have all failed to introduce additional paternity leave. (Parental leave, which can be taken by either parent is available in some, but it is not guaranteed to the father the same as the maternal leave is to the mother.)For the rest, the average paternity leave period is 2,5 weeks, as opposed to the 15 weeks of postnatal leave, guaranteed to women.Only 42% of European Union member states compensate men for paternity leave at 100% of their salary, as opposed to 52% for women.Asian countriesChina. The amount of weeks a men is allowed to take off depends on his municipality of registration for social security. In Shanghai a man can have up to a 10-day paternity leave if the mother is older than 23. In Shenzhen, the period is extended to 15 days, under the same condition. Generally, throughout China, a father is allocated up to 2 weeks of leave.Japan. The country is very generous towards fathers, allowing for 52 weeks of paternity leave. However, a phenomenon is being observed, where only about 2% take advantage of their right. According to one study on the subject, the reason could be that men do wish to exercise their right but are wrongly convinced other men will cast them off for it â€" that there is a ‘perceived group norm’ to reject that privilege.South Korea. The country, indexed very high for gender inequality, is experiencing a shift of values. Both men and women are allowed to spend 1 year off work and with their child before it turns 9 years old. Even though paternity leave is regulated from as early as 1995, only 8,5% of men took advantage of their right in 2016, and even with a big leap for 2017, it was still just 13.4% wh o exercised their right to take time off that year.Singapore. From as late as 2017, Singaporean fathers are allocated 2 weeks of paid paternity leave, at the cost of the government. There is the restriction, however, that the father must have worked for the past 3 months before childbirth, and if they are self-employed, they should be able to prove they have not received income during paternity leave.HOW TO ASK FOR PATERNITY LEAVE?It is important to keep a healthy balance between your responsibilities as a family man and as an employee.Find out the laws and company rules, applicable to youAs discussed in the previous chapter, the amount of time you can take off varies a lot depending on the country you reside in and the company you are employed in.Do your research, get on the Internet, consult social workers.Make sure you know what you qualify for.Discuss it with the motherDespite what your government and your employer can offer you, or how you feel like, taking paternity leave must be a family decision. Factor in everything:Who wants to take care of the child?Who is the bread-winner of the household?Who will have it easier to go back to work?Can you/should you take your leave consecutively or simultaneously?If regulations allow for parents to choose who takes an allocated amount of weeks for parental leave, who will take advantage?If regulations are too strict, come up with a plan who will take sick/vacation days and how much you have. Come up with a plan for child care afterwards.Speak to HROnce you know what you want, discuss it first with HR.You need to make sure you are in the best legal situation for your child’s sake.Whether you are taking paid or unpaid leave, your place in the company should be protected.Double check if your preliminary research was correct about the rules and regulationsAsk if you need to fill in some papers in advanceAsk if there is any company policy to request and inform about paternity leaveAsk what to look out for â€" have oth er colleagues in similar situations experienced hostility or any attempts at repercussions for their absenceCome up with a planYou must have a plan before you discuss your upcoming leave with your direct manager.Present to him or her:The length of your leaveThe regulation under which you are using itWho can take over your tasksHow you plan to train your colleagues to perform your responsibilitiesHow you will be available for emergenciesEstablish some red lines â€" ‘I will not be available after 8:00 PM’Be open to a discussion but do not allow yourself to be pushed over completely.Discuss your plans with your successorsTogether with your direct manager, discuss your plans with the colleagues that are supposed to take over your work.Be kind and grateful. You are putting a new weight on their shoulders that they did not ask for.Do not shy away from explaining yourself â€" do mention you are doing this for your child. You are not going on a vacation.Ask for questions and stay availa ble to give further details to your plan. Even though someone else will perform it temporarily, it is still your job and you want it done right.Accept suggestions but stay on top. You team wants to rearrange your allocation of tasks â€" that is perfect. Just ask them to keep you up to date for when you have to take back over.Be available for emergenciesMake sure you leave your contacts, and availability hours for your colleagues to get in touch if they have questions.Give indications â€" most important customers, tricky situations or red flags, where they would have to contact you immediately.Try to come back ready and refreshedTry to take the last 2 days of your paternity leave just to yourself, if the situation allows it. Or at least take it slow. Get some more sleep, do some sports, take a stroll or do some yoga â€" whatever works for you.You will have a lot on your head in your first days back. Your colleagues will be eager to load off any tasks and information you had delegated them. You need to be fresh and alert.Even in the most welcoming environments, you can count there will be pressure for you to hop back on the horse fast, as if you just came back from the spa.Be respectful of those who took over your jobChances are you might hear some complaining for the extra work you caused.Listen closely and be grateful. Say ‘Thank you!’. Get your team some good donuts even.Do not allow yourself to snap, sulk or even look too tired. Yes, you were gone for your family, but the first signs of you feeling entitled, and you will be attacked viciously.Protect and assert yourselfA lot of men reject their right to use up their paternity leave for fear of prosecution and being passed over for promotions, projects and opportunities, because of their prolonged time off. They fear they will no longer be seen as committed, dedicated, available and capable.Make sure in the first days of your coming back you explain to everyone you are giving yourself X number of days bef ore you snap back into shape. You need to make it crystal clear your focus shifted from your work to your family ONLY temporarily. And you are back for the long run. ‘Just as it was before’.PATERNITY LEAVE â€" THE EMPLOYERS SIDEFirst off, let’s go through some don’ts.Worst employers mistakes in response to paternity leave requestsUNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES DO NOT, WE REPEAT, DO NOT:Do not discourage your employee from leaving even if you need them â€" it is very bad for morale.Do not ask ‘How about your wife? Aren’t women supposed to take care of the kid?’Do not mislead the employee about the rules. You can easily slip into some nasty legal issues in this tricky subject.Do not bad-mouth your staff for ‘choosing the worst time to leave’.Do not bother the new dad with unnecessary information or questions when they are away.Do not burden them with unnecessary workload before or after their leave â€" they do not need to compensate for it.Do not treat your employee differe ntly because of the time off work they sacrificed to be with their family.DO: Make sure you know regulations.New fathers are often clueless or are doublechecking with multiple sources about any legalities concerning their new status as a parent.If you mislead them, intentionally or unintentionally, you might find yourself in legal trouble.DO: Be flexible.Listen to your employee and allow them to stay engaged with the work process if they want to, or shut down completely if they want to. You can make suggestions to their plan but do not be aggressive.DO: Be real.Do not shy away from explaining to your employee that their absence will put a strain on the team.Tell them you are supportive of their decision, but make sure you ask them to follow through with a strict plan so that their leave does not end up being detrimental to the team’s work.Offer your help to break the news and distribute tasks.DO: Look out for conflicts.Conflict resolution is amongst your main responsibilities as a manager.Caring for a child is generally considered an accepted value and therefore anyone who might have a problem with the new dad leaving, might keep it on the down low.That does not make it less toxic. It makes it more invisible.DO: Be fair.Not just to the new father, but to other team members. The absentee’s plan must include a strategy to go back to top shape after their leave.In return, explain to them that is the only way you can guarantee them fair treatment post-return.DO: Be the strongest link in the chain.Even if other team members are taking over the tasks, you are taking over the responsibility.You are ultimately liable for any mistake, challenge or success the team has to go through.Keep things under control.DO: Be supportive.Even if work is the most important focus for you, stay friendly.Do find the time before, during and after your employees leave of absence to ask them how the family is doing, and if they are finding their paternity leave to be a fulfilling expe rience.That should be the ultimate goal.CONCLUSIONWe have been conditioned to believe that participating in the workforce is the ultimate contribution to society that a man has to offer.With shifting values from gender-based societal organization towards gender equality, paternity leave is becoming better regulated and protected from governments and businesses.Still, there is definitely a stigma around men taking a leave of absence for the sake of their newborn, or when accepting a new child in the family thanks to an adoption.It is not an uncommon reality that governments need to catch up and bridge the gap between the needs of a people and the laws, providing for those needs.Until then it is up to individuals to recognize the benefits and follow the principles that will bring the ultimate wellbeing of their family.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Interpretation Of The South On Alternate Voices, And...
Franklin opened the interpretation of the South to alternate voices, and gave a firm framework on establishing the different perspectives relevant for Woodward’s experiential â€Å"not one South†thesis. The points of contention between their interpretations are telling about Southern histories, and their reputations evidenced the lingering effects of institutionalized racism, as Woodward often gets credit for opening Southern history to African American narratives. However, it was Franklin that did it first and allowed for agency, while Woodward’s narratives most featured black victimization/victimhood. Despite some differences in interpretation, Franklin and Woodward would become two of the most influential historians of the twentieth century. Only recently does it seems more women, more minorities, more identities are writing southern history from their unique viewpoints and interpretations. All of them aided by the path laid by Franklin. His influence is clea r in the works of Tera Hunter, Mary Hoffschwelle, Karen Cox, Pippa Holloway, and all of the most recent histories of the South.Franklin’s essays mirrored role of African American in Southern historiography. Starting out, African Americans were given little or no attention at all, then came outright racist histories, then blacks as subjects of white actions/ideologies, and finally, blacks as full historical actors, controlling their own lives, demonstrating their own agency, controlling their own narratives. C. VannShow MoreRelatedStrategy Safari by Mintzberg71628 Words  | 287 PagesGentlemen, You Have Yet to Meet the Whole Beast References 375 Index 397 349 EMBARKATION T his trip began with a paper by Henry called Strategy Formation: Schools of Thought, published by Jim Fredrickson in a collection entitled Perspectives on Strategic Management (HarperCollins, 1990). Bruce used the paper in a course at Trent University and found that it worked well. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020
Depression Causes or Effects Essay - 1068 Words
Depression: Causes or Effects? Depression supplies a distinct depiction of the brain equals behavior theory. The physiological characteristics that taint the diseased brain directly impact the thoughts and behaviors of the millions of sufferers. The genesis of this dehabilitating problem is both mysterious and complicated and I am not offering any sort of revelation in stating that it is a multi-factorial manifestation involving both biological and environmental components. The end product of these variable factors do, however, provide some common biochemical alterations in the brain that lend insight into understanding the reality and possible treatment of the disease. So, in the spirit of working backwards, I will explore†¦show more content†¦Hormonal abnormalities may also characterize the depressed brain. The most pervasive irregularity lies in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, the system that manages the bodys response to stress. When a threat to physical or psychological well-being is detected, the hypothalamus increases production of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), which, in turn, induces the pituitary to secrete adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). ACTH then instructs the adrenal glands to release cortisol. Chronic activation of the HPA axis may result in illness and depression. In fact, hyperactivity in the HPA axis is the most replicated finding in all of biological psychiatry (1). I have been referring to these conditions as end-products but they could, just as easily, be viewed as causes and not consequences of depression. Perhaps I have not been working backwards at all but have instead been addressing the origins of this disease. It all depends on why people get depressed in the first place. Seeing as how preventative medicine is almost always the best medicine, the why of this issue becomes quite critical. Unfortunately, the why of depression seems to be even more elusive than the how. There is, of course, the stress dimension, which was made very relevant by the HPA axis discovery. But what about individuals who encounter depressive episodes with no history of stress or trauma? And whyShow MoreRelatedDepression : Cause, Causes And Effects Of Depression1116 Words  | 5 Pagessweating and dizziness. Anxiety may cause physical exhaustion and general ill health. Effects of depression When someone is found in such a condition the primary effects observed are the various signs and symptoms caused by a particular situation, thought, physical state, emotions or actions which brought about the depression. The effects of depression are mostly observed in the physical state as the symptoms portrays on the person who is in a depressed state. Depression can result into condition whichRead MoreDepression : The Cause, Causes And Effects Of Depression1142 Words  | 5 Pagessnickered at him from afar. 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It is an emotional illness, which occurs internally, but it can also effect a person’s physical activity. For instance, I am no longer energetic
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Bill for the Minorities Free Essays
Racial discrimination had been the subject of debate in the congress for a long time. Often times, members of the congress question the extent of efficiency of execution of the law regarding racial discrimination among the citizens of the United States. The minorities (specifically the blacks) were more likely to be isolated from the native whites. We will write a custom essay sample on A Bill for the Minorities or any similar topic only for you Order Now The minorities had been somewhat deprived of certain rights which the whites chiefly enjoy. However, this discrimination set between the minorities and the whites had been resolved through the Civil Rights Act of 1964 originally proposed by the late President John F. Kennedy. The bill was not officially pursued by the mentioned President because of his assassination. His Vice President, Lyndon Johnson who took his place as president, then signed the law (Civil Rights Act of 1964) on July 2, 1964. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 favored most minorities thus giving them equal opportunity in terms of job, education and other services as that of the whites. As stated in the opening paragraph of the bill, it is an Act: â€Å"To enforce the constitutional right to vote, to confer jurisdiction upon the district courts of the United States to provide injunctive relief against discrimination in public accommodations, to authorize the attorney General to institute suits to protect constitutional rights in public facilities and public education, to extend the Commission on Civil Rights, to prevent discrimination in federally assisted programs, to establish a Commission on Equal Employment Opportunity, and for other purposes (Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 1997). †The law ‘protects individuals against employment discrimination on the basis of race and color as well as national origin, sex, or religion’ (Facts about Race/Color Discrimination, 2002). Rise of the Minorities Equal imposition of rights on employment, education, voting, and other services provided by the State brought the minorities to a rise. The provision of the 1964 Act brings forth the protection of several classes including ‘race, color, sex, creed, and age’ (The National Archives, archives. gov). President Kennedy’s aim to end discrimination among the people living in the state causes a reverse condition. In order to go behind with the rules set by the law, some institutions are making policies which are basically incline to favor minorities more than the white Americans. This scenario can be reflected in campus premises. Granting of scholarships to students on the basis of financial needs encouraged the diversity of minorities in the school premises to increase (Education, 1990). In addition, since most families belonging to the minority groups received minimal amount of income, the scholarships provided will be in no doubt be granted to their children. Title IV of the 1964 Civil Rights Act deals about the desegration of public education which states that survey concerning the lack of availability of â€Å"equal educational opportunities for individuals by reason of race, color, religion, or national origin in public educational institutions at all levels in the United States must be thoroughly conducted and reported (Civil rights Act 1964). †Institutions granting scholarships seem to misapprehend the statement mentioned above. ‘Equal educational opportunities’ should be granted fairly to all individuals not only to few numbers of people thus having this basis is considered as illegal and clearly violates the law. Furthermore, it can be clearly reflected that minorities were the most favored in this scenario. The scenario in the learning place proves that the civil rights act of 1964 was indeed the most far-reaching and effective piece of legislation regarding minorities in American history. In an article cited in ‘the 1964 Civil Rights Act to the Present,’ it is said that ‘integration of southern districts was progressing, black college students were enrolling in previously white colleges are at a greater rate. ’ Thus, such integration provided both the minorities and the whites to have equal access to sophisticated facilities and obtain same degree of education. Minorities also benefited in terms of employment upon the approval of the bill. Discrimination in hiring personnel for a job was completely eliminated. The law addresses employers to set aside factors including race, gender, sex, etc in hiring, promotion as well as termination of individuals in the job. Even in the political arena, the minorities had gained their right to be elected. Some of the African Americans who were elected as public officers were Edward Brooke, Carl Stokes, Douglas Wilder and Gen. Colin Powell (The 1964 Civil Rights Act to the Present). Conclusion Truly, the Civil Rights Act pioneered by the late President John F. Kennedy marks a change in the American society. Most of the minorities at present times are enjoying privileges which they were deprived before. The integration between the whites and the minorities resulted in the success of a number of blacks in the facets of business, education, government and other fields. The affirmative action taken into account by policy makers put an end on the severe discrimination experienced by the minorities. However, this change in the American society also opens the idea of reverse discrimination between the whites and the non-whites. The imposition of the equal rights between the two classes had advance the liberty of the minorities but in contrary infringe the liberty of the whites. Racial discrimination must be looked at in both ways. It is unjust to only consider the minorities as the victims of discrimination and is being deprive of certain rights. As for what is happening at present times, it can be reflected that the aim of the proponents of the bill to end discrimination was somehow ineffective. The law seems to focus its eyes to the protection of the minorities while concerns regarding the whites had been somewhat taken for granted thus, equality between the two classes should be fairly treated and address in the congress. Work Cited EEOC, US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (1997, January 15). Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Retrieved May 26, 2008, from http://www. eeoc. gov/policy/vii. html. The National Archives, archives. gov. Teaching with Documents: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Retrieved May 26, 2008, from http://www. archives. gov/education/lessons/civil-rights-act/. Historical documents. com. Civil Rights Act (1964). Retrieved May 26, 2008, from http://www. historicaldocuments. com/CivilRightsAct1964. htm. The 1964 Civil Rights Act to the Present. Retrieved May 26, 2008, from http://www. infoplease. com/ce6/history/A0858852. html. The New York Times. (2008, May 25) Education. Retrieved May 26, 2008, from http://query. nytimes. com/gst/fullpage. html? res=9C0CE7D8133FF930A25751C1A966958260sec=spon=pagewanted=all. . How to cite A Bill for the Minorities, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
Stevie SmithS Not Waving But Drowning Essays -
Stevie Smith'S ?Not Waving But Drowning? Dying Softly Nobody heard him, the dead man, / but still he lay moaning: (lines 1-2). This is how many people go on through life. Many are dying inside but you would never know. It is possible for people to create masks to hide their emotions. Sometimes these masks are so deceptive that even close friends or family members cannot see through then until it is too late. In Stevie Smiths poem, Not Waving but Drowning the writer effectively highlights how someones cry for help can be mistaken for joy. It is important for people to at least have someone who cares about them and knows them well enough to see when something is going wrong in their lives. This can often be the lifeline that saves one from drowning. Recently I learned firsthand how deceptive these masks could be. Someone that I know but that I was not really close to took his own life this past week. On the outside he seemed like a happy person. He had a lot of boys and everyone seemed to know him. But could it be that something was going on inside that no one knew about? Poor chap, he always loved larking / and now hes dead / It must have been too cold for him his heart gave way, / they said.(Lines 5-9) This is how it was with his guy, everyone cold only speculate why he would kill himself because none of them knew anything except that he was a fun guy to be around. Its a shame that it takes something as drastic as suicide to make people even wonder if people have conflicts going on inside them that can be extremely detrimental to them. As the speaker states, Oh no no no, it was too cold always, / / I was to far out all my life (lines 10-12). Only a true friend would know this and like the man I referred to earlier it can be a ssumed that the man in the poem had no true friends. Many people in this world have no true friends and those that do have very few. A true friend could have seen that something was not right with this man. Perhaps the first speaker in the poem thinks that he was closer to the second then he actually was. But actually, according to the second speaker [He] was out much further than you thought / and not waving but drowning (lines 3-4). I true friend would have known the difference. Im not saying that true friends are psychic when it comes to their friends but I am saying that when you are close to someone you are able to see through their ask more easily than a casual acquaintance would. People who are dying inside usually give warning signs that something is not right with them but you often do realize it until something tragic happens. The hardest thing for friends and relatives of people who kill themselves is when they realize that the one that died ha been trying to tell them that something was wrong but they either brushed it off and disregarded it as a joke or never paid attention at all. The man in the poem was crying out for help, but those observing brushed it off as if he was waving at them. The sad thing is they never bothered to ask. If only they had asked instead of assuming, the man may not have died. It is the same with those that commit suicide. All they need is for someone to ask them whats wrong. They are begging for someone to take the rope from around their neck but instead their friends just walk on by. Every years thousands of people kill themselves and the story is all ways the same. Why didnt he/she tell me? they say. But it always hurts the most when they realize that they were trying to tell them for a long time but they chose not to listen. Yes, some people wear darker masks then others and no matter how much of a good friend you are, they wouldnt open up to you, but in most
Thursday, March 19, 2020
An Overview of Lingua Franca and Pidgins
An Overview of Lingua Franca and Pidgins Throughout the course of geographic history, exploration and trade have caused various populations of people to come into contact with each other. Because these people were of different cultures and thus spoke different languages, communication was often difficult. Over the decades though, languages changed to reflect such interactions and groups sometimes developed lingua francas and pidgins. A lingua franca is a language used by different populations to communicate when they do not share a common language. Generally, a lingua franca is a third language that is distinct from the native language of both parties involved in the communication. Sometimes as the language becomes more widespread, the native populations of an area will speak the lingua franca to each other as well. A pidgin is a simplified version of one language that combines the vocabulary of a number of different languages. Pidgins are often just used between members of different cultures to communicate for things like trade. A pidgin is distinct from a lingua franca in that members of the same populations rarely use it to talk to one another. It is also important to note that because pidgins develop out of sporadic contact between people and is a simplification of different languages, pidgins generally have no native speakers. The Lingua Franca Arabic was another early lingua franca to develop because of the sheer size of the Islamic Empire dating back to the 7th Century. Arabic is the native language of the peoples from the Arabian Peninsula but its use spread with the empire as it expanded into China, India, parts of Central Asia, the Middle East, Northern Africa, and parts of Southern Europe. The empire’s vast size exhibits the need for a common language. Arabic also served as the lingua franca of science and diplomacy in the 1200s because, at that time, more books were written in Arabic than any other language. The use of Arabic as a lingua franca and others such as the romance languages and Chinese then continued worldwide throughout history as they made it easier for diverse groups of people in different countries to communicate. For example, until the 18th Century, Latin was the main lingua franca of European scholars as it allowed easy communication by people whose native languages included Italian and French. During the Age of Exploration, lingua francas also played an enormous role in allowing European explorers to conduct trade and other important communications in the various countries in which they went. Portuguese was the lingua franca of diplomatic and trade relations in areas like coastal Africa, portions of India, and even Japan. Other lingua francas developed during this time as well since international trade and communication was becoming an important component to nearly every area of the globe. Malay, for instance, was the lingua franca of Southeast Asia and was used by Arab and Chinese traders there prior to the arrival of the Europeans. Once they arrived, people like the Dutch and British used Malay to communicate with the native peoples. Modern Lingua Francas United Nations The Pidgin In order to create a pidgin, there needs to be regular contact between the people speaking different languages, there needs to be a reason for communication (such as trade), and there should be a lack of another easily accessible language between the two parties. In addition, pidgins have a distinct set of characteristics that make them differ from the first and second languages spoken by the pidgin developers. For example, the words used in a pidgin language lack inflections on verbs and nouns and have no true articles or words like conjunctions. In addition, very few pidgins use complex sentences. Because of this, some people characterize pidgins as broken or chaotic languages. Regardless of its seemingly chaotic nature though, several pidgins have survived for generations. These include the Nigerian Pidgin, the Cameroon Pidgin, Bislama from Vanuatu, and Tok Pisin, a pidgin from Papua, New Guinea. All of these pidgins are based mainly on English words. From time to time, long-surviving pidgins also become more widely used for communication and expand into the general population. When this happens and the pidgin is used enough to become the primary language of an area, it is no longer considered a pidgin but is instead called a creole language. An example of a creole includes Swahili, which grew out of Arabic and Bantu languages in eastern Africa. The language Bazaar Malay, spoken in Malaysia is another example. Lingua francas, pidgins, or creoles are significant to geography because each represents a long history of communication between various groups of people and is an important gauge of what was taking place at the time the language developed. Today, lingua francas especially but also pidgins represent an attempt to create universally understood languages in a world with growing global interactions.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Fourth Amendment - the Text, Origins, and Meaning
Fourth Amendment - the Text, Origins, and Meaning The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution is a section of the Bill of Rights that protects the people from being subjected to unreasonable searches and seizures of property by law enforcement officers or the federal government. However, the Fourth Amendment does not prohibit all searches and seizures, but only those that are found by a court to be unreasonable under the law. The Fifth Amendment, as part of the original 12 provisions of the Bill of Rights, was submitted to the states by Congress on September 25, 1789, and was ratified on December 15, 1791. The full text of the Fourth Amendment states: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Motivated by British Writs of Assistance Originally created to enforced the doctrine that â€Å"each man’s home is his castle,†The Fourth Amendment was written directly in response to British general warrants, called Writs of Assistance, in which the Crown would grant overarching, non-specific search powers to British law enforcement officials. Through Writs of Assistance, officials were free to search virtually any home they liked, at any time they liked, for any reason they liked or for no reason at all. Since some of the founding fathers had been smugglers in England, this was an especially unpopular concept in the colonies. Clearly, the framers of the Bill of Rights considered such colonial-era searches to be â€Å"unreasonable.†What Are ‘Unreasonable’ Searches Today? In deciding whether a particular search is reasonable, the courts attempt to weigh important interests: The extent to which the search intruded on the individuals Fourth Amendment rights and the extent to which the search was motivated by valid government interests, such as public safety. Warrantless Searches Not Always ‘Unreasonable’ Through several rulings, the U.S. Supreme Court has established that the extent to which an individual is protected by the Fourth Amendment depends, in part, on the location of the search or seizure. It is important to note that according to these rulings, there are several circumstances under which police may lawfully conduct â€Å"warrantless searches.†Searches in the Home: According to Payton v. New York (1980), Searches and seizures conducted inside a home without a warrant are presumed to be unreasonable. However, such â€Å"warrantless searches†may be lawful under certain circumstances, including: If a responsible person gives the police permission to search the property. (Davis v. United States)If the search is conducted during a lawful arrest. (United States v. Robinson)If there is clear and immediate probable cause to conduct the search. (Payton v. New York)If the items being searched for are in plain view of the officers. (Maryland v. Macon) Searches of the Person: In what is popularly known as its â€Å"stop and frisk†decision in the 1968 case of Terry v. Ohio, the Court ruled that when police officers see â€Å"unusual conduct†leading them to reasonably conclude that criminal activity may be taking place, the officers may briefly stop the suspicious person and make reasonable inquiries aimed at confirming or dispelling their suspicions. Searches in Schools: Under most circumstances, school officials do not need to get a warrant before searching students, their lockers, backpacks, or other personal property. (New Jersey v. TLO)  Searches of Vehicles: When police officers have probable cause to believe that a vehicle contains evidence of criminal activity, they may lawfully search any area of the vehicle in which the evidence might be found without a warrant. (Arizona v. Gant) In addition, police officers may lawfully conduct a traffic stop if they have reasonable suspicion that a traffic violation has occurred or that criminal activity is being carried out, for example, vehicles seen fleeing the scene of a crime. (United States v. Arvizu and Berekmer v. McCarty) Limited Power In practical terms, there is no means by which the government can exercise prior restraint on law enforcement officials. If an officer in Jackson, Mississippi wants to conduct a warrantless search without probable cause, the judiciary is not present at the time and cant prevent the search. This meant that the Fourth Amendment had little power or relevance until 1914. The Exclusionary Rule In Weeks v. United States (1914), the Supreme Court established what has been known as the exclusionary rule. The exclusionary rule states that evidence obtained through unconstitutional means is inadmissible in court and cannot be used as part of the prosecutions case. Before Weeks, law enforcement officials could violate the Fourth Amendment without being punished for it, secure the evidence, and use it at trial. The exclusionary rule establishes consequences for violating a suspects Fourth Amendment rights. Warrantless Searches The Supreme Court has held that searches and arrests can be performed without a warrant under some circumstances. Most notably, arrests and searches can be performed if the officer personally witnesses the suspect committing a misdemeanor, or has reasonable cause to believe that the suspect has committed a specific, documented felony. Warrantless Searches by Immigration Enforcement Officers On January 19, 2018, U.S. Border Patrol agents - without producing a warrant to do so - boarded a Greyhound bus outside the Fort Lauderdale, Florida station and arrested an adult female whose temporary visa had expired. Witnesses on the bus alleged that the Border Patrol agents had also asked everyone on board to show proof of U.S. citizenship. In response to inquiries, the Border Patrol’s Miami section headquarters confirmed that under the long-standing federal law, they can do that. Under Section 1357 of Title 8 of the United States Code, detailing the powers of immigration officers and employees, officers of the Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) can, without a warrant: interrogate any alien or person believed to be an alien as to his right to be or to remain in the United States;arrest any alien who in his presence or view is entering or attempting to enter the United States in violation of any law or regulation made in pursuance of law regulating the admission, exclusion, expulsion, or removal of aliens, or to arrest any alien in the United States, if he has reason to believe that the alien so arrested is in the United States in violation of any such law or regulation and is likely to escape before a warrant can be obtained for his arrest, but the alien arrested shall be taken without unnecessary delay for examination before an officer of the Service having authority to examine aliens as to their right to enter or remain in the United States; andwithin a reasonable distance from any external boundary of the United States, to board and search for aliens any vessel within the territorial waters of the United States and any railway car, aircraft, con veyance, or vehicle, and within a distance of twenty-five miles from any such external boundary to have access to private lands, but not dwellings, for the purpose of patrolling the border to prevent the illegal entry of aliens into the United States. In addition, The Immigration and Nationality Act 287(a)(3) and CFR 287 (a)(3) states that Immigration Officers, without a warrant, may â€Å"within a reasonable distance from any external boundary of the United States...board and search for aliens in any vessel within the territorial waters of the United States and any railcar, aircraft, conveyance, or vehicle.†The Immigration and Nationality Act defines â€Å"Reasonable distance†as 100 miles. The Right to Privacy Although the implicit privacy rights established in Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) and Roe v. Wade (1973) are most often associated with the Fourteenth Amendment, the Fourth Amendment contains an explicit right of the people to be secure in their persons that is also strongly indicative of a constitutional right to privacy. Updated by Robert Longley
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Human Rights - Essay Example Previously and even now in many places, people are not aware of their rights and are not even aware of what their country’s constitution has promised them or the benefits that have already been highlighted for them. Many people take life and the treatment they receive in its stride and just hope that one day things will look up for them. Many people today are victims of biasness, prejudice, unfair and unequal treatment due to several reasons. Surprisingly, while we perceive the world to be a progressive place and a tolerant environment for diversity, there are very visible signs of an abuse of human rights in some of the most progressive and successful nations of the world (Buchanan, pg. 80-82, 2005). The problem or the issue that prevails is that no one seems to be standing up for such clear biasness and mistreatment in society. Today’s world does not show the determination, bravery, and diligence of people such as Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks, and many other peop le who have taken a stand for an issue of human rights (Donelly, pg. 25, 2003). While the issues relating to human rights are numerous and biasness may exist based upon gender, age, ethnicity, skin color, religion, nationality, social status, sexual orientation, beliefs, values, lifestyle, and many other categories, the people of the 21st century do not seem to be taking a very active stand against such mistreatment and intolerance expressed towards individuals in different positions all over the world. The belief that all human beings are equal and should be given equal treatment is no more prevalent. In fact, inequality is promoted and exposed openly on various occasions. Attitudes of ethnocentrism and self centeredness show that people are apathetic towards what state other human beings around the globe are in. Their main concern is being the best for themselves and for their own good and are not even minutely concerned about how people are being treated around the world. The onl y time they will show a slight bit of concern, is when one of their basic human rights is denied to them. Many humans across the globe are denied the right to freedom, equal opportunities, food, shelter, education, and a proper place in society. They may also be denied the right to express their opinion, travel the world, or practice their own religion. However, many people think that human rights are a relative term and vary with the perception of an individual. While some people may perceive something as a basic right, other people may perceive it as a luxury. The dilemma today is how to bridge the gap between these two divergent ways of life and to enable all people in the world to be treated equally (Rieser & Mason, pg. 75-80, 1992). The aim of this paper is to discuss the issue of human rights that prevails around equality and diversity. The saying that â€Å"beauty lies in differences†is very true in every regard as if everyone was the same, then the world would be a v ery boring place. Beauty is discovered through different colors, genders, personalities, ethnicities, languages, lifestyles, and any other differences which may set someone apart from another person. If everyone was the same, beauty could not be found as there would be no basis for someone to be better at something than the other or someone possessing a certain skill or feature that would set them apart from others. To be beautiful is to be different and according to the Human Rights law of many progressive countries, everyone has a right to be who they are and deserve just as much as any other person as long as they are not harming any other individual unfairly to attain that benefit (Donelly, pg. 15-16, 2003). Underdeveloped countries such as countries in Africa and Asia have no particular
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Nutrition Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Nutrition - Coursework Example On average, most people are supposed to have a calories percentage from carbohydrates of approximately 50 percent, and between 16- 21 percent from protein and 30 percent from a fat source (Berni et al., 2008). Another importance is total micronutrients intake. Though in small quantities, micronutrients are critical for a number of body functions. A diverse diet raises the probability that all your minerals and vitamins needs will be met (Collins, Myatt, & Golden, 1998). The final importance is hydration, which is an important concern since our bodies contain about 60-75 percent of water, which is critical in transport, temperature regulation and nutrients absorption (Collins & Myatt, 2000). The results show that proteins, fats and carbohydrates are the 3 major macronutrients due to their roles in the human body. They are the main components of our diet. Our bodies also require others nutrients such as vitamins and minerals even though in much smaller quantities. They are therefore referred to as micronutrients. Each macronutrient has vital functions in the body (Kattelmann, 2006). Its main role in the body includes building, maintaining and repairing body tissue. It’s highly recommended to physically active individuals because their muscle tissue is in constant need of repair. The other roles of protein in the body are production of enzymes and hormones, which perform vital functions. Proteins are also used to aid in the immune process (Knivsberg, 2003). The main function of fat is protection among its many roles in the human body. Insulation for keeping body temperature and protection of body organs through cushioning are also functions of fat in the body. Fats promote growth and development and maintain cell membranes. In addition, fats play a vital role in vitamin digestion. Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat soluble vitamins which mean that for them to be absorbed into the system of the body; they need fats (Metheny et al.,
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Free College Admissions Essays: Describe A Person who has Influenced You :: College Admissions Essays
College Admissions : Describe A Person who has Influenced You Everyone is affected by certain events or individuals that greatly change their life. Many people have influenced me during my life. Three wonderful friends that have had a special effect on me are Robert, Tiffany and Ashley. In the four years that I have known them well, they have been my best friends, and have helped to transform me from a lonely middle school scholar into a happy senior with a decent social life. Popular wisdom has it that, "You judge a man by his friends." Earlier in my life, that would have been difficult, because I had few friends other than my cousins. I concentrated mostly on school and sports, paying little attention to life outside my studies. My high grades made me the target of torment during elementary school, the name calling: nerd, geek, and worse, was so bad that I was ostracized by some of the class, and I shielded myself by further isolation. My Middle School experience was no different. I was still a loner. All the dances passed by, and I found other, solitary ways to occupy myself. I rarely took time to hang out with fellow students during weekends or vacation time. Then came high school, and in Mrs. Krawet's Global Studies I class I sat next to this energetic guy named Robert, who joked about the no-brained teenagers working in 7-11's, made fun of the way our teacher dramatized the pronunciation of the Huang-Ho and Yangtze Rivers, and satirized the teacher's methodology of hand-signals for facts, generalizations, and cause/effect. Finding common ground in our senses of humor, and love of the TV Simpson's, we grew acquainted with each other. Later in the year we teamed up as the defense lawyers in a class mock trial in which Mao Zedong was charged with crimes against the people of China. To Mrs. Krawet's dismay, "legal wrangling" caused the mock trial to last two weeks, even though she had planned for it to take three days, until it was resolved by a split decision, with the jury voting 6 guilty and 6 innocent. More important than the result was the experience of friendship and shared learning. We each had a great deal of fun preparing questions for the witnesses and planning our cross examinations, and after the trial we remained good friends.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Microfinance for Poverty Reduction Essay
INTRODUCTION Microfinance is not something new in Malaysia. It has been operated by credit unions, co-operative banks and specialised credit windows of banks. Microfinance services of financial credit range for about RM10,000 (USD2,631) and mostly to finance small businesses, agricultural loans and loans for poverty reduction. Microfinance program in Malaysia has been implemented since 1987 as one of the poverty eradication strategies in the country. There are three large microfinance institutions in Malaysia namely AIM, YUM and TEKUN that targeted to different groups of people. Each of the microfinance institution has its own lending systems and has been subsidized by the government since their existence. Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA), council of trust to the Bumiputera and Credit Guarantee Corporation (CGC) are some of the pioneers to introduce microfinance loans to its borrowers. The rural credit institutions comprising of Agriculture Bank of Malaysia (BPM), Farmers Organisation Authority (LPP), Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA), and agro-based Co-operative Societies provide micro credit for the agriculture sectors. There are a number of non-government organisations (NGOs) that engaged in microfinance. These include Yayasan Usaha Maju operating in Sabah, Koperasi Kredit Rakyat in Selangor and the best and significantly known microfinance institution (MFI) is Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM). Background of the study This study research about microfinance and its strategy to reduce the poverty among Malaysia’s citizen. Microfinance was introduced in Malaysia during the last three decades. Two types of institutions namely banking institutions and non-bank institutions offer microfinance programs. Banking institutions that offer microfinance products are Public Bank, AM Bank, EONCAP Islamic Bank, CIMB Bank, Alliance Bank, United Overseas Bank, Bank Simpanan Nasional, Agro Bank and Bank Rakyat. The issue of poverty has been a major concern to many nations, particularly the developing countries. Poverty has been defined as a situation where a population or a section of the population is able to meet only its bare subsistence, the essentials of food, clothing and shelter, in order to maintain a minimum standard of living (Balogun, 1999). Low productivity and poorly functioning markets for agricultural outputs are among the causes of poverty as indicated in the government’s poverty reduction strategy paper. Small scale farmers rely on rudimentary methods and technology and they have limited skills and inputs such as improved seeds that would increase yields. Rural poverty in Malaysia Remarkable progress has been achieved in poverty eradication in Malaysia. In the early 1970’s almost half of households were classified as poor while in 1997 the incidence of poverty had significantly declined to 6.1% However, the crisis brought a slight upward swing at 8.1% in 1998. Efforts by the Malaysian government to counter the effects of the crisis bore positive results when the incidence of poverty was reduced to 7.5% in 1999. By 2005, the incidence of poverty was targeted to reduce further to 0.5% (Abdul Rahman Hasan and Sa’idah Hashim, 2001). Poverty is both a social and an economic problem. Eradicating poverty from society is everyone’s dream but in reality it is still around even in economically developed countries. Governments have responsibilities to eradicate the poverty or, at least reduce poverty rates. In fact, poverty reduction is everyone’s social responsibility. This is significant because Malaysia is shifting towards an industrialized economy and starting to enjoy economic growth but there are still so many people who are under the poverty line. Definition of terms 1. Microfinance Microfinance is a provision of a broad range of financial services such as savings, credit, insurance and payment services to the poor or low-income group who are excluded from the normal banking sectors (Ledgerwood, 1999). While, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) defined microfinance as the provision of small loans/financing ranging from RM1,000 up to RM50,000 (USD16,129) to microenterprises or self-employed individuals, for their business activities. Microfinancing is meant for business financing only, such as for working capital and for capital expenditure. It is not a personal loan. Microfinance is defined as the provision of financial services to low-income clients, including consumers and the self- employed, who traditionally lack access to banking and related services (Gonzalez-Vega, 2008). Microfinance is a place for the poor and near poor clients to get access to a high quality financial service, which include not just credit but also savings, insurance and fund transfer. However, Conroy (2002) stated that microfinance is the provision of a broad range of financial services such as deposits, loans, payment services, money transfers, and insurance to poor and low-income households and their micro-enterprises. The term evolved from the concepts of â€Å"microcredit†and â€Å"microenterprise†financing, to include the importance of savings as well as borrowing. Although the terms are used interchangeably, microfinance represents the field as a whole, while the other two terms are more technical and refer only to credit provision (Maria, 2004). The World Bank defines microfinance as â€Å"†¦. Small-scale financial services – primarily credit and savings – provided to people who farm or fish and who operate small enterprises or microenterprises where goods are produced, recycled, repaired, or sold; who provide services; who work for wages or commissions; who gain income from renting out small amounts of land, vehicles, draft animals, or machinery and tools; and to other individuals and groups at the local levels of developing countries, both rural and urban†(Robinson, 2001). Microfinance activities usually involve giving small loans to customers for working capital, group guarantees, compulsory savings, insurance and access to repeat loans for a larger amount based on repayment performance. 2. Poverty A state or condition in which a person or community lacks the financial resources and essentials to enjoy a minimum standard of life and well-being that’s considered acceptable in society. According to Carlton G. Davis (1977), â€Å"the word poverty has assumed a multiplicity of meanings at different times and places. Moreover, the term now has different meanings for different persons even within the same academic discipline.†For Marshall (1998), poverty is â€Å"a state in which resources, usually materials but sometimes cultural, are lacking. It is common to distinguish between absolute and relative definitions of poverty. Poverty defined in absolute terms refers to a state in which the individual lacks the resources necessary for subsistence. Relative definitions, frequently favored by sociologists, refer to the individual’s or group’s lack of resources when compared with that of other members of the society†¦in other words their relative standar d of living.†The causes of poverty are sometimes pointed to areas where business establishments are not successful and the poor depend on assistance from government and agencies. PROBLEM STATEMENT Poverty is a harsh and undesired phenomenon in mankind. Reducing, if possible eradicating poverty is unquestionable. Thus, microfinance programs have been considered as one of the main instruments in poverty reduction in recent development agenda. It has been observed that microfinance play a major role to the socio-economic development and alleviating poverty. Rural banks and micro finance institutions were established in response to the need and the demand to make institutional credit and banking services available to small-scale farmers and rural entrepreneurs. Microfinance institutions were created to operate using local initiatives and local commitment to mobilize resources locally and to lend them to deserving customers using simplified procedures and eligibility criteria. However, microfinance institutions are faced with lots of problems of saving mobilization, and utilization of funds. For instance there is lack of knowledge in risk management, long procedures accessing funds and others. According to David Hulme, microfinance has become an increasingly important component of strategies to reduce poverty. However, knowledge about the achievements of such initiatives remains contested. While some researchers argued that microfinance has positive economic and social impact on the poor, others warn of its negative impacts on the poor. Still others in the middle contend that microfinance indeed has a positive impact, but not on the poorest, as is so often claimed. Therefore, this research, is to analysis and see how microfinance is used as an effective poverty reduction strategy in Malaysia. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The main objective of the study is to examine the impact of microfinance in poverty reduction in Malaysia. The specific objectives are to: 1. Find out the role of microfinance in poverty alleviation or reduction. 2. To show how microfinance works, by using group lending methodology for reducing poverty 3. To find out the impact of microfinance on poverty reduction 4. To examine the challenges or barriers to credit delivery by microfinance institutions. 5. To use the services/products of microfinance with good. Research questions The guiding research question is ‘to what extent and in which way microfinance services of the two cases can lead to poverty reduction in Malaysia?’ Based on this guiding question, it is hoped that the study will answer the following specific questions: 1. What are the role(s) of microfinance in poverty alleviation or reduction in the country? 2. What is the effectiveness of microfinance institutions in the country? 3. What are the impacts of microfinance on poverty reduction? 4. What are the challenges faced by microfinance institutions in the country? Limitations While interviewing the people, we have faced problems in explaining the questions as most of the people, who are involved in microfinance program, are illiterate and living in villages. Therefore, it was too difficult to make them understand some of the technical terms: like capital, income etc. Due to the non-co-operative attitude of some of the respondents, the number of people given questionnaire was smaller than the researcher had originally intended. Financial constrain also affected the effort of the researcher thereby, making it difficult for the researcher to gather the necessary data. Time constraint was also limiting factor for the researcher. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY A study of this nature would make a significant contribution by assisting government and other stakeholders to find lasting solutions to problems facing micro financing in the country. The study is very significant because it will add to the existing literature or the research has added to the stock of books and works already written on microfinance in Malaysia. The study will help Micro Finance Institutions to put in place flexible policies and programs that will help SMEs to access their facilities to ensure its development and expansion. ORGANIZATION OF THE PROJECT PAPER The study consists of three chapters. The first chapter consists of the background to the study, significance of the study, definition of terms, statement of the problem, Objective of the study, research questions, and limitations of study and lastly the organization of the study. Chapter two deals with literature review of concept relevant to the study. While in chapter three, deals with the methodology adopted to conduct he research. This chapter deals with issues such as the research design, population and sample size, instrument, procedures, proposed data analysis and summary.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
APOL 104 QUIZ 1 Essay - 1014 Words
1. The Bible Is not Historically Accurate. False 2. The Bible was composed in three languages Hebrew, Greek, and some Aramaic 3. The Bible has Scientific Knowledge Before Its Time. The Earth. Wisdom that predates the earliest scientific discoveries. The ocean floor contains deep valleys (2 Sam. 22:16; Job 38:16; Ps. 18:15) and towering mountains (Jonah 2:6). The ocean contains underwater springs (Genesis 7:11; Job 38:16; Proverbs 8:28). There are other examples. 4. Was written by some __ different authors. 40 5. For the Old Testament prophets, fulfilled prophecy is the ultimate apologetic. True 6. We need to precise (accurate) when we share the truths of Gods Word. True 7. The trustworthiness of the†¦show more content†¦Unlike any other book in the world, the Bible is the only one to offer specific predictions hundreds of years in advance that were literally fulfilled. 3. The Miraculous Confirmation of the Biblical Witnesses. The biblical prophets claimed to receive their message from God. 4. The Uniqueness of the Biblical Message. Romans 6:23 encapsulates the uniqueness of the biblical message: For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. 5. The Testimony of the Transforming Power of the Bible. For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart (Hebrews 4:12). 31. The Greek word translated preach in this translation is actually the first century word that means __ ____. It implies passion as produced by ones sincere belief in the spiritual message. Anyone can passionately preach the word. to proclaim 32. The Bible was composed by authors of many ____ occupations. different 33. Define the term apologetics. Apologetics is the art of persuasion and of biblical apologetics, in particular. It involves the Bibles own use of apologetic and persuasive arguments to defend the Christian faith. 34. Yet in spite of all this vast diversity, the Bible reveals an amazing unity. First, it is one, continuous unfolding drama of redemption from
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